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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Swine Flu

What is a Virus?

A VIRUS is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside a living cell of plants, animals or microorganisms, like bacteria. Virus particles, called virions, are made of two or three parts: i) a genetic material, either in form of DNA or RNA, ii) A protein layer protecting this genetic material and iii) can additionally have a third formation of lipid to protect the virus outside a living cell.

Influenza Virus H1N1, “Swine Flu”.

It is an orthomyxovirus consisting of proteins hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, hence the name HxNx. The virus strain spreads from a human to a human, unlike being misinterpreted to be a zoonitic strain spreadng from a pig to a human. This virus strain was also the main reason of 2009 influenza pandemic outbreak in United States.


  • ·         Avoid Mass gathering.
  • ·         Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • ·         Wash hands as frequently as possible.
  • ·         Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  • ·         Keep at least 1m distance from a person you think is affected by Swine Flu.
  • ·         Eat boiled eggs (or protein rich food if veggie).
  • ·         Eat Citrus fruits to improve immunity.

Since the viruses are a fragile, a detergent is often sufficient to kill it. Not all people attacked by the viruses are show symptoms because human immune system is capable of ridding the body from virus. Fatal risks are only present in young children and elderly. 

Don’t Panic but stay safe.

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