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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Does Political Outfit matters in Nation's Prosperity?

The better the people, the prosper they are. Isn't it? Well I think that kind of people does matter. But the question that comes to my mind is, to what extend? How much difference does it make? Does the system is equally important too? Or is it more important than the previous. Personally I feel that system shapes up gradually. Just the same way,a child’s mind-set depends upon the atmosphere he lives in his initial days. Our political and constitutional outfit is much more important. Since, we humans have the mind to work out our path in every case. We tend to find solutions much more than we actually reach to the root of the problem. More often we act soon after analyzing. Going by the thought that political outfit is important, let us see how much difference does it makes. Two Powerful Nations, India and US, both were under the British rule. US got their independence by revolution and they changed their system of governance after the British left. India, still went on the system that the British gave to our country.

Our country has centralized government system with each state having its own state government. But, it’s a fractured system. There are many regional political organisation part of the system. These makes our system weak! It’s very difficult to unite the law makers from different parties. Everyone wants their party to win and be at the top. For these reasons, they prioritize their party ahead of moral trust of people. Unlike the US, where they have 2-Party system. Although there are independents but at the time of voting, they have to select either on them.

On paper, these two systems doesn't sounds different from each other but practically they are! US with the 2-party system has much more powerful central government. Unlike in India, where the central government is weak comparatively. A very clear example to prove this fact is current scenario of India’s parliament. The Current government, in-spite of walking in the parliament with clear majority in 2014 General Election, is still very weak to pass important bills on the floor. They have the numbers in lower house, Lok Sabha but falls short for the same in upper house, Rajya Sabha. Why I said that our system is fractured is explain by the fact that, none of the political organisation has majority in upper house of parliament, Rajya Sabha. So going by the nature of our political system, no one can do anything since here, people believe more in opposing rather than working it out. Under this situation, the US has better situation with 2-party system, since one of it will have the numbers to work things out.

Now, comes the executive level. In America, The executives and law makers are divided and work independently. All the bureaucrats have equal respects among the politicians. The politician holds no supremacy over them. They cannot rule such important bureaucrats and thus they can function according to their plan of work. Unlike in India, the top executive comes under the order of the politician. According to ADR (Association for Democratic Reforms), 82% of Elected MPs in 2014 General Election have criminal cases pending against them. Now the scene is, people with criminal activities order and control the top level executives. All this fractured political system becomes even more fractured at each level of operation.

Also, it’s not entirely the fault in our governing system which is hampering our development. There is alternative to every conflict in our constitution. Like the ordinance way to pass a bill if both houses fail to pass it. But still the point is, the leaders of all the parties need to think in a similar channel. Opposing anything is right of law makers. But the problem is that they are not opposing in interest of the democracy and the country, but opposition oppose in the wide interest of their own people and their respective political organisation. Having a central government ruling the country and different state government ruling the state is backfiring in our democracy wherever the law makers work in their own interest than the interest of their democracy. Had, there been a peaceful understanding on every issue, than there will be scope of bright future. These are the loops that we are facing. No one’s political outfit is perfect, in our case too its not perfect. But majority of problems can be brought down if law makers work for the people first than their personal interest.

In a line, one can say that in India, people chooses their master. The one whom people will follow and trust him to prosper them. In US, people chooses the person who will follow the people. Execute their work and obey the people. In both cases, there is one thing in common. Both India and US were previously ruled by British. US changed their system after getting independent. India is still under the system of British. Only people in the power have changed.

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