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Monday, August 10, 2015


A chilling tension hung in the room. Nobody spoke a single word, and nobody moved a finger. The surmounting pressure finally reached it's threshold and I couldn't contain it anymore, “Bhai, lets go have a smoke.” I asked my friend who seemed equally nervous to me.

“Let's go. Result isn't coming out anytime soon.”

My interview, my first interview had sucked. The interviewer seemed more interested in the text messages from his girlfriend, or maybe his wife than in the ideas i presented to him. In an averring way I tried answering his question, “Do you believe in our company?” but to no use. A call from his girlfriend made him smile and he dismissed me. “Please tell the coordinator that I need a few minutes break. Thank You” and he pointed towards the door.

At galla everyone had gathered around me firing questions like bullets from a gun. “Bhai Bhai placed?”,  “Bhai, How was the interview?”, “Let's kick the hell out of his butt.”

“Result hasn't been announced yet.” I said as I lit a cigarette and pull a long drag, “Ahh I really needed this Bro.” After two cigarettes, I suggested that we head back to the TNP centre. My heart kept pounding and skipping a beat, and my sweat glands went haywire.

Back at the TNP centre the room was still engulfed in the deafening silence and nerve chilling tension. Nobody was talking and only sound that struck my ears was from the fan over head which creaked. Then the interviewer walked in, in his crisp shirt which miraculously didn't crumble or stick to his skin, “I have a list of 20 students that I've deemed fit for the company. I'll be reading the names one by one.” and he began calling out the names.

I could feel my blood in my ears, sweat trickling down my palm and my heart beating against my chest and it was obvious fourteen names and the interviewer hadn't called my name. Then like a cloud bursting in the sky and thunder echoing in the mountain ranges finally he boomed out my name, “Nishant Makwana.” and another deafening sound exploded. My friends went into a roaring applause. Claps and whistles. Boos and Woos. Yeah and Fuck Yeah, drummed in my ears. A wide grin creased my lips as two of my best friends lifted me up and carried my out of the TNP room for a long celebration and eternal rounds of GPL.

#Dedicated to all the batchmates who got placed recently.

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